When anyone comes up to me and asks " who are you? " I find myself drawing a big fat blank.
How could I explain to this person in simple terms WHO I am? Or even WHO they are?
There is Nothing simple about the Magnificent human being.
How could I explain to this person in simple terms WHO I am? Or even WHO they are?
There is Nothing simple about the Magnificent human being.

Life has a long road of experiences that defines a person but after so many years of trying to find my true self, i found that every step that inched closer to the glimpse of who i am, i was always two steps away from the parts that only just hinted at who I TRULY am.
Herein started my spiritual journey at the age of 19. I read widely on many spiritual subjects and was fascinated by the Lives of the Ascended Masters who had walked the earth but I was also careful not to worship any. For somewhere deep within myself i could hear them say
" Be your own Master, Master Yourself ".
From a very young age, i was determined to find the path of peace and to find the magic formula that makes life work, to release the pains, the anger and the traumas that I saw in the people i loved and within me.
I recognized that there were many people who got hurt, abused and traumatized in every corner of this world. All around me i came across friends, family members and strangers who held on to their pains and traumas that they could not erase from their memory. It could be as simple as a broken heart from the teenage years or as complicated as a young child witnessing her mother being violently abused repeatedly by her father.
Herein started my spiritual journey at the age of 19. I read widely on many spiritual subjects and was fascinated by the Lives of the Ascended Masters who had walked the earth but I was also careful not to worship any. For somewhere deep within myself i could hear them say
" Be your own Master, Master Yourself ".
From a very young age, i was determined to find the path of peace and to find the magic formula that makes life work, to release the pains, the anger and the traumas that I saw in the people i loved and within me.
I recognized that there were many people who got hurt, abused and traumatized in every corner of this world. All around me i came across friends, family members and strangers who held on to their pains and traumas that they could not erase from their memory. It could be as simple as a broken heart from the teenage years or as complicated as a young child witnessing her mother being violently abused repeatedly by her father.
These incidents leave a memory imprint on the person's mind causing an energy pattern that keeps creating similar experiences in their own lives over and over again. Over time, these patterns became beliefs that were ingrained in the person's energy field causing emotional blockages in their present lives, preventing them from having the freedom of a pain free, open and safe environment to be in.
The honest truth is that my own life hasn't been a bed of beautiful roses for me. I had my share of heartache, betrayal, rape, mental and physical abuse from my father, the trauma of witnessing my loved ones being abused and the painful experience of losing the people i love, to the natural process called death.
I managed to move past these incidents and find the courage to forgive and understand what had happened and didn't make myself a victim. These experiences didn't break me, nor did i lose my sense of self-worth.
I will not go into the details of everything that has happened in my life.
I state some of them here so that the person who reads these words know that i do have the experience, empathy and the compassion to know what another is feeling, because i have been in those shoes as well. In almost every thing we do, it is not enough to just gather the qualifications, it is necessary to have the experience as well.
For this reason, i did not blame the circumstances of my life and make myself a victim of it, for these painful experiences taught me the lessons i came to learn and move on and help others in the same situations. There are no accidents in life and these were the ways my soul was preparing me to do a bigger work in the future.
This understanding was well and good but it was only later in life, when i had my first Reiki treatment that i saw that these experiences left a blockage in each of my chakras.
Despite the mental work and meditations i had done to fully understand and accept the negative situations for over 10 years, the energy imprint of the trauma or issue remained locked into my energy body.
The honest truth is that my own life hasn't been a bed of beautiful roses for me. I had my share of heartache, betrayal, rape, mental and physical abuse from my father, the trauma of witnessing my loved ones being abused and the painful experience of losing the people i love, to the natural process called death.
I managed to move past these incidents and find the courage to forgive and understand what had happened and didn't make myself a victim. These experiences didn't break me, nor did i lose my sense of self-worth.
I will not go into the details of everything that has happened in my life.
I state some of them here so that the person who reads these words know that i do have the experience, empathy and the compassion to know what another is feeling, because i have been in those shoes as well. In almost every thing we do, it is not enough to just gather the qualifications, it is necessary to have the experience as well.
For this reason, i did not blame the circumstances of my life and make myself a victim of it, for these painful experiences taught me the lessons i came to learn and move on and help others in the same situations. There are no accidents in life and these were the ways my soul was preparing me to do a bigger work in the future.
This understanding was well and good but it was only later in life, when i had my first Reiki treatment that i saw that these experiences left a blockage in each of my chakras.
Despite the mental work and meditations i had done to fully understand and accept the negative situations for over 10 years, the energy imprint of the trauma or issue remained locked into my energy body.
What triggered the knowledge of this was a day that seemed as normal as any other.
That morning, I found myself looking at a friend's facebook page.
There were rows and rows of " Rest in peace " and " you will be missed " written on his page.
But, Didnt i just see him a week ago? I asked myself
"Was i missing something here?"
Adam was a young man of 32, full of energy and passionate about his bike, he wanted to be like Lance Armstrong. He would come in to the art gallery that i used to paint at and we would exchange small talk and tips. I remember it was a month before his death, we had a glass of wine at the gallery, talking about spirituality and his travels to india. He was passionate about the film he was making, about the holy men of india. He was passionate about the love he had for his mom and how much he was looking forward to seeing her for the holidays. We never had another opportunity to sit and talk like that again as our painting schedules were different from each other.
As i sat in my living room in a state of shock at seeing his webpage, something stirred within me.
Over the next days, I started painting a portrait of Adam to send to his mother who has lost her only child and son. I could feel her pain and anguish at this loss of her beloved son, as i myself had just been blessed with a beautiful baby boy just 4 months prior. In fact, my son's birthday is a day after Adam's.
It was during this period, one day that i awoke as if in a trance, made my morning coffee and switched on my laptop. I knew what i was looking for. Or at least my higher self did. I searched for the healing centre that i had come across on the web 2 years ago. It wasn't difficult to find, there were not many people who has a healing centre like the one i was looking for. I did everything as if i was in a trance. I drew the map to the place, got ready, got onto the train, walked the wrong way to the centre and yet ended up right infront of its doorsteps. How odd. All the while asking myself "Where am i going and what am i doing here?" but before my brain could function and make sense of anything, i'd find myself distracted by a scenery or another thought.
To cut a long story short, that day was the beginning of my wonderful journey to the land of Reiki.
I had my first reiki experience that day and i went home much lighter and happier. That was just the tip of the ice berg. My reiki teacher gave me a quick burst of energy to clear some energy congestions and i was on my way determined to learn Reiki level one.
I came back a week later to do the course and found myself exhilarated by all the energy i was feeling.
I have been meditating close to 12 years so i am a very sensitive person when it comes to feeling
energy fields and vibrations. I would go home from my training smiling and beaming, of course the person most affected by my cloud nine attitude were my close family and friends. I had to seriously ground myself and remind myself to get back to reality once i stepped out of the healing centre!
That morning, I found myself looking at a friend's facebook page.
There were rows and rows of " Rest in peace " and " you will be missed " written on his page.
But, Didnt i just see him a week ago? I asked myself
"Was i missing something here?"
Adam was a young man of 32, full of energy and passionate about his bike, he wanted to be like Lance Armstrong. He would come in to the art gallery that i used to paint at and we would exchange small talk and tips. I remember it was a month before his death, we had a glass of wine at the gallery, talking about spirituality and his travels to india. He was passionate about the film he was making, about the holy men of india. He was passionate about the love he had for his mom and how much he was looking forward to seeing her for the holidays. We never had another opportunity to sit and talk like that again as our painting schedules were different from each other.
As i sat in my living room in a state of shock at seeing his webpage, something stirred within me.
Over the next days, I started painting a portrait of Adam to send to his mother who has lost her only child and son. I could feel her pain and anguish at this loss of her beloved son, as i myself had just been blessed with a beautiful baby boy just 4 months prior. In fact, my son's birthday is a day after Adam's.
It was during this period, one day that i awoke as if in a trance, made my morning coffee and switched on my laptop. I knew what i was looking for. Or at least my higher self did. I searched for the healing centre that i had come across on the web 2 years ago. It wasn't difficult to find, there were not many people who has a healing centre like the one i was looking for. I did everything as if i was in a trance. I drew the map to the place, got ready, got onto the train, walked the wrong way to the centre and yet ended up right infront of its doorsteps. How odd. All the while asking myself "Where am i going and what am i doing here?" but before my brain could function and make sense of anything, i'd find myself distracted by a scenery or another thought.
To cut a long story short, that day was the beginning of my wonderful journey to the land of Reiki.
I had my first reiki experience that day and i went home much lighter and happier. That was just the tip of the ice berg. My reiki teacher gave me a quick burst of energy to clear some energy congestions and i was on my way determined to learn Reiki level one.
I came back a week later to do the course and found myself exhilarated by all the energy i was feeling.
I have been meditating close to 12 years so i am a very sensitive person when it comes to feeling
energy fields and vibrations. I would go home from my training smiling and beaming, of course the person most affected by my cloud nine attitude were my close family and friends. I had to seriously ground myself and remind myself to get back to reality once i stepped out of the healing centre!
My next step was the meditation (DPA) course. The meditation course is designed to have even the most unbelieving, cynical person to trust in what they were seeing and to trust their intuition. The right title for this course would be psychic awareness course.
Every human is capable of seeing with their 6th sight. Some call it the third eye.
All humans are psychic. The reason most people can't see the other world is because of the energy blockages they carry. A healthy person with clear chakras have their life energy flowing from their base chakra to the tops of the head in a straight line. But blockages from trauma or unresolved pain leaves a murky dark energy in or around the chakras, blocking the proper flow of this life energy.
During this meditation course, i was challenged to psychically see the places my teacher was trying to show me. I was able to see some things and at others, i failed. Every time i failed, i was told to have a reiki treatment. The explanation was that i had a blockage that needed to be cleared for me to see clearer.
Every human is capable of seeing with their 6th sight. Some call it the third eye.
All humans are psychic. The reason most people can't see the other world is because of the energy blockages they carry. A healthy person with clear chakras have their life energy flowing from their base chakra to the tops of the head in a straight line. But blockages from trauma or unresolved pain leaves a murky dark energy in or around the chakras, blocking the proper flow of this life energy.
During this meditation course, i was challenged to psychically see the places my teacher was trying to show me. I was able to see some things and at others, i failed. Every time i failed, i was told to have a reiki treatment. The explanation was that i had a blockage that needed to be cleared for me to see clearer.
Removing these blockages were very difficult emotionally for me. I thought i was past these pains and that i understood them but I was wrong. They were still there and they all came up for clearance and forgiveness. There were incidents that i had never thought would affect me. Incidents way back to times when i was as little as 7 years old.
That is the beauty of Reiki. Reiki makes the reciptent feel loved and safe and gives them that extra energy to stare at the wounds that would otherwise be too painful to sort through.
The rest of the course opened my eyes to a universe that was magical yet unseen by many. It showed me that there is a lot of support and love for every human being on this earth.
That is the beauty of Reiki. Reiki makes the reciptent feel loved and safe and gives them that extra energy to stare at the wounds that would otherwise be too painful to sort through.
The rest of the course opened my eyes to a universe that was magical yet unseen by many. It showed me that there is a lot of support and love for every human being on this earth.
There are Angels and Master guides ever ready to guide the person who asks, whispering encouragement and love to all who were willing to hear. I can't describe the feelings and the awe i felt from what i saw but within me, it left a strong imprint of the perfections in our lives, nothing was by accident.
Everything, even the worst case scenerios were there to be a teacher for us.
Even when we lose a loved one tragically.
Because in the end, we never really lose them.
We are forever entwined within the love we have for each other.
We come back again and again in different bodies and different roles
but yes, we do come back together in other life times. I have seen my past lives
and i have seen that my most cherished loved ones have had many other
lifetimes with me, playing different roles and delighting in the roles we played.
This was when i knew that nothing can separate us.
When the course was over, i knew what i wanted to do all along. I wanted to share my freedom. I started helping people with reiki and by communicating with their deceased loved ones. For years i had attracted many people in my life who have lost a loved one tragically. Sometimes no last words were spoken and i have seen how such an event has affected many. Sometimes to the point where the living can no longer function in their daily lives, holding on to what was or what could have been done differently.
When the messages are exchanged, there is love, peace and understanding on both sides, though the pain of a loss doesn't ever subside, it makes the living person find the peace that their loved one is in a wonderful place.
I am truly grateful to be able to do this for people. For everyone is able to do this, if we could just trust in the voices we hear or the signs we see . I do strongly believe that in the future, communicating with our dear loved ones will be as common as having a chat with our living friends.
We do not have to go through our tough times alone and keep on carrying the burdens of our past, there is a way to the freedom that all humans remember and know about, deep in their subconscious mind. That state of being is not an illusion. It exist and is implanted in you from the beginning of time so that you will remember that there is a way back to it. There are lightworkers in every corner of the world ready to do this healing work for others and for themselves.
All you have to do is ask and what you need will appear.
Just like the saying " When the student is ready, the teacher will appear "
The motto for my healing centre is " BE FREE ". Be the freedom that your spirit was born to be. Be the Lightness that you so remember but have forgotten. Let's Ascend together with the whole of humanity. Come join me and my friends in the path of light, walking with love to the place we all know exist, the place where we all first came from, with pure bodies, minds and souls.
With Rainbow Light,
Mohana Kanah.
Everything, even the worst case scenerios were there to be a teacher for us.
Even when we lose a loved one tragically.
Because in the end, we never really lose them.
We are forever entwined within the love we have for each other.
We come back again and again in different bodies and different roles
but yes, we do come back together in other life times. I have seen my past lives
and i have seen that my most cherished loved ones have had many other
lifetimes with me, playing different roles and delighting in the roles we played.
This was when i knew that nothing can separate us.
When the course was over, i knew what i wanted to do all along. I wanted to share my freedom. I started helping people with reiki and by communicating with their deceased loved ones. For years i had attracted many people in my life who have lost a loved one tragically. Sometimes no last words were spoken and i have seen how such an event has affected many. Sometimes to the point where the living can no longer function in their daily lives, holding on to what was or what could have been done differently.
When the messages are exchanged, there is love, peace and understanding on both sides, though the pain of a loss doesn't ever subside, it makes the living person find the peace that their loved one is in a wonderful place.
I am truly grateful to be able to do this for people. For everyone is able to do this, if we could just trust in the voices we hear or the signs we see . I do strongly believe that in the future, communicating with our dear loved ones will be as common as having a chat with our living friends.
We do not have to go through our tough times alone and keep on carrying the burdens of our past, there is a way to the freedom that all humans remember and know about, deep in their subconscious mind. That state of being is not an illusion. It exist and is implanted in you from the beginning of time so that you will remember that there is a way back to it. There are lightworkers in every corner of the world ready to do this healing work for others and for themselves.
All you have to do is ask and what you need will appear.
Just like the saying " When the student is ready, the teacher will appear "
The motto for my healing centre is " BE FREE ". Be the freedom that your spirit was born to be. Be the Lightness that you so remember but have forgotten. Let's Ascend together with the whole of humanity. Come join me and my friends in the path of light, walking with love to the place we all know exist, the place where we all first came from, with pure bodies, minds and souls.
With Rainbow Light,
Mohana Kanah.
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