Aura Vision is an Amazing course! Now i am able to read the Aura of people, deeply see through their blocks and get much more information to help my clients to clear and understand them. Thank you, Mohana!
- Charn
Thank you Mohana for Being a Great Teacher. I am so Happy that I choose you to be my teacher, You have a beautiful energy and I will be forever Grateful for being and having you as part of my life .
- Joy

"The Psychic development course is definitely one of the most challenging and amazing experience I've had the chance to have. You definitely can't guess what is going to happen before doing it and even during it you are not sure what is happening! With each meditation you push your own limits and slowly realize that there is no limits to what can be done.
Being able to share this experience with Paul, Mohanna and the 5 other amazing student was definitely a plus. You learn a lot from their own experience and definitely need their support suring those 7 crazy days!
This course is unforgettable and was life-changing for me; I would recommend it to anyone wanting to live something special, tough, fun, challenging, in this reality and all the others."
- Doriane
Being able to share this experience with Paul, Mohanna and the 5 other amazing student was definitely a plus. You learn a lot from their own experience and definitely need their support suring those 7 crazy days!
This course is unforgettable and was life-changing for me; I would recommend it to anyone wanting to live something special, tough, fun, challenging, in this reality and all the others."
- Doriane
From the Bottom of my Heart, Thank you for guiding me with a firm hand yet with compassion.
Thank you for your contribution and guiding me through my journey.
Love , L

Since the session I have felt much more calm and at peace with myself.
For this I cannot thank you enough. Thanks for your time and help, I love you forever for your help to me.
The session had such a beautiful impact on me!
where you told me to be in my own truth and practicing receiving.I got so Much out of your wisdom and I wish I was more often in Bangkok. Thank you for your wise words you gave me. and this one little session.
I came to Thailand to get away from all the hectic and run away from love. what Thailand brought me was such a relaxing time and so close to love which i had never expected.
Thank you for Teaching us to trust ourselves and that we are Love underneath it all. This Course helped me to understand our emotions and what we are going through. You are an amazing Goddess and Angel.
Testimonial for Psychic Development Course

How to describe these past seven days?
Physically: Exhausting.
Mentally: Unbelievable.
Spiritually; Astonishing.
Exhausting, for the long sessions.
Unbelievable, how much our mind can achieve in just seven days!
Astonishing, what we can experience where there are no set limitations!
The DPA course has been an unique and unforgettable life experience rich in any possible way.
It was a trip that took me to my Inner Deepest where I could feel and observe some of my own aspects which were so well hidden, re-discovering them, taking conscience, dealing and putting an end to the "Damocles' Sword" present during so many years.
In many occasions, I though having a too ambitious expectation of this course and wanted to give up a couple of times. I am glad I did not as I trusted my Soul was craving to "offload" so much of unneeded "weight" in order to continue my Spiritual Path, and this kept me continuing despite my highs and lows.
Having had Mohana as Instructor, -not only for this particular course- has been my privilege and it is an honour to count her as my mentor and friend.
Watching her healing, teaching, guiding with all her love, knowledge, dedication and patience makes me feel in harmony with the Universe, being part of the wonderful Plan we all are part of and willing to be as helpful as possible.
Thank you Mohana, for being in this particular time of my Life, guiding my steps towards a better understanding of the Universal Laws, Life Force Energy and myself.
- Carmen (Spain)
Testimonial for Psychic Development Course
I started this course that promised to be a new project, yet with certain reserves due to the reading of some of the testimonials. After completing it I have to say that these my reservations were justified and
during practising there were hard moments which I had to confront towards myself without being
treated with kid gloves. The expectation before the course has been fully surpassed with the joy and emotion of discovering the potential everyone has within. The course, magisterially conducted by Mohana
with all her power and firm hand led us almost to the extreme and comforting us
with the Universal Love she is capable to transmit as only she can do.
The course promises to be a giant step on the Path of the opening and development of my body, mind and spirit.
Thank you, Universe, for the chance given, and particular gratitude to Mohana for the help provided.
- Eneko ( Spain )
I started this course that promised to be a new project, yet with certain reserves due to the reading of some of the testimonials. After completing it I have to say that these my reservations were justified and
during practising there were hard moments which I had to confront towards myself without being
treated with kid gloves. The expectation before the course has been fully surpassed with the joy and emotion of discovering the potential everyone has within. The course, magisterially conducted by Mohana
with all her power and firm hand led us almost to the extreme and comforting us
with the Universal Love she is capable to transmit as only she can do.
The course promises to be a giant step on the Path of the opening and development of my body, mind and spirit.
Thank you, Universe, for the chance given, and particular gratitude to Mohana for the help provided.
- Eneko ( Spain )

The minute I read up on DPA , I knew I had to take it. There was an urgency in me that made me want to take the course right then and there. No waiting. But maybe I wasn't ready...
It took a couple of months later for the course to finally open up. My patience was being tested. Perhaps learning to be patient was my pre requisite for developing psychic awareness.
As I travelled home upon completion of this very special seven day course, I found myself feeling deeply sad. Given all that I have experienced and knowing that tomorrow would be different, I felt like I just walked away from something that touched my heart, and something meaningful. I had to fight my tears when I said bye to my beautiful teacher and classmates.
DPA took me somewhere very mind-blowing and my world suddenly feels so big I am not sure where to look! This is one roller coaster ride I thoroughly enjoyed. As always, thank you M for Mohana :)
Manika S - Thailand
It took a couple of months later for the course to finally open up. My patience was being tested. Perhaps learning to be patient was my pre requisite for developing psychic awareness.
As I travelled home upon completion of this very special seven day course, I found myself feeling deeply sad. Given all that I have experienced and knowing that tomorrow would be different, I felt like I just walked away from something that touched my heart, and something meaningful. I had to fight my tears when I said bye to my beautiful teacher and classmates.
DPA took me somewhere very mind-blowing and my world suddenly feels so big I am not sure where to look! This is one roller coaster ride I thoroughly enjoyed. As always, thank you M for Mohana :)
Manika S - Thailand
To truly help others, you must truly help yourself. I came into this course not knowing what to expect other than in some way i would progress and further unlock my third eye. After years of meditation, i have achieved much
but it still wasn't clicking for me. This course and the guidance i have received has helped
me see, understand, and give me the tools to progress forward.
Translocation? Time travel? WOW ! Mind blowing things are done in this class.
And hearing guides finally revealed to me and knowing i am not on my own in this spiritual journey is wonderful.
Finally, the people i have met, my fellow classmates, have helped me grow so much. I feel that my interactions with them over the course of a week are a very big part of what has made this so special!
Big Thumbs Up!!
- Nati ( Bangkok )

Learning Reiki Level 1 to Master
Having learnt already plenty about physical healing through nursing, fitness and a diploma in Nutritional therapy, I still thought there was something missing,
and life worked hard at trying to slow me down and take a look,
from surgery on my knee, to a frozen shoulder.
I knew of Reiki and it was something I had considered learning for a least two years before Mohana taught me level 1, and life's coincidences as we like to think of them led me to her door. I learned level 1 then still unsure if I wanted to be psychic, I spent a year procrastinating whether to continue. Well, life has a way of pushing you in the direction you need go and I found myself desperate to do level 2, and Mohana ready and willing to take me further on my journey and wondering what took me so long. But once commited to that journey I flew along learning all that I could in the 6 months up to my Master and well supported by Mohana. I love the feeling of the Reiki energy and the skills you learn to help others,
and the skills you learn to help yourself journey through life.
Mohana is a Great Teacher and Healer and I have no hesitation in recommending her.
After all, we are spritual being having a human experience, and help along the way is always a blessing.
Love & Light , Jane Cabourn
Having learnt already plenty about physical healing through nursing, fitness and a diploma in Nutritional therapy, I still thought there was something missing,
and life worked hard at trying to slow me down and take a look,
from surgery on my knee, to a frozen shoulder.
I knew of Reiki and it was something I had considered learning for a least two years before Mohana taught me level 1, and life's coincidences as we like to think of them led me to her door. I learned level 1 then still unsure if I wanted to be psychic, I spent a year procrastinating whether to continue. Well, life has a way of pushing you in the direction you need go and I found myself desperate to do level 2, and Mohana ready and willing to take me further on my journey and wondering what took me so long. But once commited to that journey I flew along learning all that I could in the 6 months up to my Master and well supported by Mohana. I love the feeling of the Reiki energy and the skills you learn to help others,
and the skills you learn to help yourself journey through life.
Mohana is a Great Teacher and Healer and I have no hesitation in recommending her.
After all, we are spritual being having a human experience, and help along the way is always a blessing.
Love & Light , Jane Cabourn
After being unwell for the past 4 years, i had become the biggest skeptic a person my age could be.
Before i even started a form of treatment or faced a difficult situation in my life i knew it wouldn't
work. i took pride in being strong all the time , so that i dont need to depend on anybody or let anyone know
about my problems . Facing problems everyday and being unhappy had become a way of life.
But everything has changed since i went to mohana . After having my 1st session with mohana i got my
release by crying loudly after so many years, and once i had let it out , positivity became my middle
name . after that session i took my 1st reiki learning session. Now that am back home , my lifes started to turn
around , there is not even a bit of skeptism left in me , i have new found beliefs in all my
endeavours . even if i get busy and forget my archangels , they will find a way to show me a sign that they
are present . i keep seeing number or signs everywhere and whenever a problem occurs my angels are
there showing me the signs to understand there answers. even if i feel somedays that i won't be able
to deal with certain problems , im proven wrong , bcoz before i know it the angels have
helped me give stength to face it , and it doesn't feel that big a deal anymore.
i have newfound peace in me and lots of hope of a beautiful life ahead.
Thank you so much mohana , i can never be thankful enough to you for
the positive changes you brought into my life.
- Pari ( India )

The 7 days of DPA with Mohana were certainly some of the most challenging days of my past years, a mind and 3rd eye opening experience beyond imagination. The newly gained modality is rewarding and liberating at the same time, it will enrich my life in many levels and reaches far beyond any expectation of what can be achieved thru this workshop. Mohana is a wonderful spiritual being who guides with a firm hand, yet loving care throughout the week, pushing one beyond limits to grow in unknown areas of ones own personality and capabilities.
Thank you with all my heart for putting me on the path.
Dec 2012 - Gerhard, Germany
I have been taking personal growth courses of all shapes and sizes for over 30 years but Reiki has had the distinct advantage that you can actually feel the energies and changes as they occur! This gives you real-time feedback when receiving and giving treatments and I have taken this as encouragement that I am on the right path....at last!
In fact my journey from having my first treatment 3 months ago (which really rocked my world, rather traumatically,
if I am honest) to being a Reiki 2 practitioner has been an incredible journey of realisation and healing on so many levels. Reiki has changed my perspective from one of wanting to sort me out, to wanting to sort out the
world which is a bigger task for sure but makes my issues insignificant and no longer an issue.
I am very happy to be involved in Reiki and now able to contribute almost daily, I have a purpose..or maybe several!
Heal the world, one small step at a time!
Paul Wakefield

The DPA course was much more of a personal healing journey than I expected and in ways that I couldn’t have imagined beforehand. Surprising, enlightening and mentally expanding but all addressed in a calm, well structured, safe way. This course will definitely add new dimensions (literally) to your daily life and add to your healing experiences, both when giving and receiving. Highly recommended.
Paul Wakefield

Unexpected experience, Very Intense and I wanted to give up so many times! I thought the class would be about psychic teaching - A Easy and relaxing time, like having a holiday for a week, away from my busy family life.
BUT.....It had a LOT of challenges , your true color comes out, whether you like it or not.
The detox process can be very painful physically and emotionally. The last day of the 7 day course, you will feel that " You have survived! " ,Transformed , Awakened , Power , Light , Love and Peace.
- Jirapa Kovitaya ( Thailand )

Mohana is a real psychic with a very very beautiful heart ^_^ And, this Psychic Awareness course in 7 days is unique.
For "non-psychic" with FEAR as underestimating yourself as Impossible, and "psychic friends" with EGO as overestimating yourself to the highest good as Already Enlightened, Contact Mohana or Feel Her Energy YOU all will know it from your heart that she can push any of you to your highest good with the universal strenght of LOVE and the universal support of Spiritual guides.
It's more than Real Life Changing Experience,
It is Real^_^ (no commercial intention, but purely for the mankind the universal harmony)
From the bottom of my heart, please start this course before it's too late (2012 onwards, it's a real changing period, and Mohana is your real support who might not be forever there for u whenever you are free)
With Gratitude & Blessings to All Beings at the highest good
Jeab\(^_^)/ ( Thailand )
For "non-psychic" with FEAR as underestimating yourself as Impossible, and "psychic friends" with EGO as overestimating yourself to the highest good as Already Enlightened, Contact Mohana or Feel Her Energy YOU all will know it from your heart that she can push any of you to your highest good with the universal strenght of LOVE and the universal support of Spiritual guides.
It's more than Real Life Changing Experience,
It is Real^_^ (no commercial intention, but purely for the mankind the universal harmony)
From the bottom of my heart, please start this course before it's too late (2012 onwards, it's a real changing period, and Mohana is your real support who might not be forever there for u whenever you are free)
With Gratitude & Blessings to All Beings at the highest good
Jeab\(^_^)/ ( Thailand )

It has been 3 months since I completed Reiki Level 1 and I’m counting down the days until I participate in the Reiki Level 2 training course and the Seven Day Psychic Development course during Chinese New Year 2012. I was left with a bitter taste in my mouth after my level one attunement. I experienced a lot of physical pain and had to have an entity removed before I was even able to become attuned. All through the experience I constantly had fear and doubt. Fear that I would learn it incorrectly, doubt that I was going to be able to help anyone let alone myself by learning Reiki. Though I was mentally committed, my self-confidence was at an all-time low and I questioned why I seemed to be having such a challenging experience compared to my classmates who were enjoying the process and seemed to be blossoming right before my eyes. I saw no lights, colors or entities. The experience constantly challenged my openness to receive and learn what was being explained right in front of me.
Mohana was very supportive and comforted me as best she could without taking away anything from my experience. She made it clear that my path is mine to walk and that regardless of the experiences of others, it was my responsibility to pursue my own personal growth and expansion at whatever cost.
Upon returning to China I was still in self-disbelief until I was able to treat one of my co-workers and watch her reaction after over 2 hours of lying nearly perfectly still. She had lost all sense of time and claimed that she had not felt such calmness in her mind since her traumatic break up several months prior.
This successful experience, and the 10+ other people that I have been able to treat have served as a constant reminder that this is a path to be walked with lessons to be learned through experience and open mindedness. Reiki helps me regularly in my teaching career as I am always able to make a run home and self-treat for an hour so that I’m able to continue managing the challenges and energy demands that deal with teaching children English in China and often return to work feeling more refreshed and energized than when I had woken up earlier that morning!
I have studied meditation, martial arts, qi gong and stacks of books and can say simply that nothing has given me the reward for time invested and feeling of self-love that I experience practicing Reiki on myself and those who come to me seeking treatment. I struggle to meditate for one hour in any one sitting yet consider it a pleasure to perform a self-treatment of at least the same length.
I’m excited to continue walking this path and understand that though my path may not be the softest, my commitment to perseverance has paid off in ways that I’m still learning to understand and the peace of mind I feel is all the reward I really need. Thank you, Mohana.
-AMB (Hangzhou, China)
Mohana was very supportive and comforted me as best she could without taking away anything from my experience. She made it clear that my path is mine to walk and that regardless of the experiences of others, it was my responsibility to pursue my own personal growth and expansion at whatever cost.
Upon returning to China I was still in self-disbelief until I was able to treat one of my co-workers and watch her reaction after over 2 hours of lying nearly perfectly still. She had lost all sense of time and claimed that she had not felt such calmness in her mind since her traumatic break up several months prior.
This successful experience, and the 10+ other people that I have been able to treat have served as a constant reminder that this is a path to be walked with lessons to be learned through experience and open mindedness. Reiki helps me regularly in my teaching career as I am always able to make a run home and self-treat for an hour so that I’m able to continue managing the challenges and energy demands that deal with teaching children English in China and often return to work feeling more refreshed and energized than when I had woken up earlier that morning!
I have studied meditation, martial arts, qi gong and stacks of books and can say simply that nothing has given me the reward for time invested and feeling of self-love that I experience practicing Reiki on myself and those who come to me seeking treatment. I struggle to meditate for one hour in any one sitting yet consider it a pleasure to perform a self-treatment of at least the same length.
I’m excited to continue walking this path and understand that though my path may not be the softest, my commitment to perseverance has paid off in ways that I’m still learning to understand and the peace of mind I feel is all the reward I really need. Thank you, Mohana.
-AMB (Hangzhou, China)
After Mohana's Reiki sessions, I feel refreshed in both my body and mind. When I got hospitalized, Mohana came to my room and tried to release blockages to assist my speedy recovery. I was very grateful for her kind act not only because healing was most needed at the time but also because she really cares about people and wants to make their lives better. She is the professional with a warm heart.
-- Y.Y Bangkok ( Japanese )

-- Tomas V ( Czech Repub

Among other things, Reiki helped me realize that I am the queen of my own universe. I spent too long living and loving other people and ignoring myself, saying I can always find a way to be happy as long as those around me are content and fulfilled. My first session with Mohana cleared up so many of the reasons why I feel like I can never measure up to the imaginary standards that the circumstances in my life have set for me. Seeking validation from others does nothing good for anyone, and self love is the central tenet in pure, true happiness.
“Do what you love, and do it often.” I learned that doing what I love, being around people that I love, and genuinely being happy were the keys to attracting positive vibrations from the universe, which are essential to a healthy body, mind and soul. “If you are looking for the love of your life, stop. They will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.” I had my share of heartbreak, which Mohana found was blocking my light, and had scarred me badly in different areas. She slowly and lovingly removed them and talked me through things that I had buried so deeply, I had to dig really hard to remember it all. I realized then that I’d only be healed from things I was ready to let go of. After the session, I felt light and fresh, but I knew this would need to become a regular practice, because I’m still new at learning how to deal with my issues. Mohana’s words are always good for a swift (but loving) kick in the butt, and she always has comforting advice to give you and show you the light at the end of the tunnel.
I took the Reiki level 1 course and now truly feel like I have embarked on my soul’s journey. I was told that I would experience my own series of tests after learning Reiki, and that no one’s life, not even a healer’s, is peachy keen. Channeling energy to heal others is a wonderful and beautiful gift, and this process has become essential for me to uproot more and more issues from my own life that need to be discarded. Our lives are like a lush, fertile garden where we can choose to grow anything we like. As with anything, we need to perform maintenance, clean out the weeds, and care for ourselves with love and compassion.
I am thankful to Mohana for the opportunity to learn how to heal myself and heal others, I am thankful for her help and guidance throughout the process, and most of all, I am thankful (though it frustrates me to no end!) that she doesn’t give anyone the easy way out. We learn best when we go through the struggle on our own, and we come out stronger because of it.
Love and Light,
HCP (Hangzhou, China)
“Do what you love, and do it often.” I learned that doing what I love, being around people that I love, and genuinely being happy were the keys to attracting positive vibrations from the universe, which are essential to a healthy body, mind and soul. “If you are looking for the love of your life, stop. They will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.” I had my share of heartbreak, which Mohana found was blocking my light, and had scarred me badly in different areas. She slowly and lovingly removed them and talked me through things that I had buried so deeply, I had to dig really hard to remember it all. I realized then that I’d only be healed from things I was ready to let go of. After the session, I felt light and fresh, but I knew this would need to become a regular practice, because I’m still new at learning how to deal with my issues. Mohana’s words are always good for a swift (but loving) kick in the butt, and she always has comforting advice to give you and show you the light at the end of the tunnel.
I took the Reiki level 1 course and now truly feel like I have embarked on my soul’s journey. I was told that I would experience my own series of tests after learning Reiki, and that no one’s life, not even a healer’s, is peachy keen. Channeling energy to heal others is a wonderful and beautiful gift, and this process has become essential for me to uproot more and more issues from my own life that need to be discarded. Our lives are like a lush, fertile garden where we can choose to grow anything we like. As with anything, we need to perform maintenance, clean out the weeds, and care for ourselves with love and compassion.
I am thankful to Mohana for the opportunity to learn how to heal myself and heal others, I am thankful for her help and guidance throughout the process, and most of all, I am thankful (though it frustrates me to no end!) that she doesn’t give anyone the easy way out. We learn best when we go through the struggle on our own, and we come out stronger because of it.
Love and Light,
HCP (Hangzhou, China)

Over the last several years, I have had a number of bouts of recurrent depression and anxiety which have had very negative consequences for me and my loved ones. I have done quite a bit of work on myself exploring a number of different avenues (over the course of several years) and had made some progress but I always had the nagging feeling that there was something missing. There was something blocking me from moving forward and I intuitively felt that there was some "other angle" that I needed to explore as part of my journey in getting to know myself. I was stuck and I did not know what to do so I started praying. A few days later, I did some googling on the subject of energy healing in Bangkok and the number of hits that I got was a bit overwhelming -- but one name stood out and that was the first person I contacted -- it was Mohana. Since our first reiki session, my life has changed dramaticaly. This was the "other angle' that was missing ! Everything in my life since then has started to "flow" -- I no longer feel like I am "swimming against the tide".
Mohana is the "full package" --- you get it all in one session with Mohana. Apart from being the consumate professional, Mohana is a supremely gifted energy healer, psychic, spiritual councellor and pyschologist .... and you can call on all of this talent in one session ! Mohana will home in on exactlly what you need to address at that time and she communicates in a loving/compassionate way but also with a firmness such that you are not left in any doubt that each of us needs to "do the work" to grow and mature emotionally. What also impressed me enormously was that Mohana "gives it her all" in that she goes the extra mile to ensure that you get the most out of your session, and all with this "hard to describe" sense of empathy. Each time I leave from a session with Mohana I have the feeling of "Wow that was something !" and then a feeling of humbleness and deep gratitude to have had the privilege to spend some one-on-one time with Mohana.
Regardless of where you are in your life, your relationships, your job, whatever your religious beliefs are, I am more and more firmly of the view that each one of us needs an emotional and spiritual cleanse every now and then. If you want to give yourself a wonderful gift, book a session with Mohana.
-RWS, Bangkok

Long Distance Healing -
I had the most peculiar situation with my husband. He is the most relaxed person, doesn’t seek attention at all, kind and loving. When he drinks alcohol he changes from a sweet kind guy to a person that is morbid, talking about sad things, no matter how I steered the conversation elsewhere, he would remain morbid, aggressive and unfeeling.
Mohana did a distant healing for my husband. She discovered that he had an entity/ghost attached to him, a young depressed lady. My husband could also never understand why he felt sad. Mohana removed the energy. The next time my husband had drinks I could not believe my eyes. He was jolly, attentative and there was not a trace of sadness. He was so skeptical about doing the healing but says to me that he feels so much lighter and happier.
I had a bad car accident some years back and am nervous in cars. Mohana did some healing on me. I am now brave enough to sit in the front of the car instead of the back. Thanks Mohana for helping us.
- Megan M ( South Africa )
I had the most peculiar situation with my husband. He is the most relaxed person, doesn’t seek attention at all, kind and loving. When he drinks alcohol he changes from a sweet kind guy to a person that is morbid, talking about sad things, no matter how I steered the conversation elsewhere, he would remain morbid, aggressive and unfeeling.
Mohana did a distant healing for my husband. She discovered that he had an entity/ghost attached to him, a young depressed lady. My husband could also never understand why he felt sad. Mohana removed the energy. The next time my husband had drinks I could not believe my eyes. He was jolly, attentative and there was not a trace of sadness. He was so skeptical about doing the healing but says to me that he feels so much lighter and happier.
I had a bad car accident some years back and am nervous in cars. Mohana did some healing on me. I am now brave enough to sit in the front of the car instead of the back. Thanks Mohana for helping us.
- Megan M ( South Africa )

I received my first Reiki session with Mohana. I was not familiar previously with Reiki, and it was a big discovery to learn about it. I was very impressed at how precisely she identified some difficult relationships in my life without previously knowing much about my personal life. In many ways the session was liberating because it allows you to express feelings and emotions that are bothering you and are having a strong impact at a subconscious level.
The session released a lot of tension and brought to light things I did not realize were having such a strong effect on my subconscious. Mohana revealed what were at the moment the most troublesome issues in my life and at the same time shed light on how to deal with them and put them in a different perspective. In many ways the session is an empowering experience - not only do you finally recognize your weaknesses or difficulties but you also come to understand them in a new light. Mohana also spoke about past lives that may have been at the root of some of the feelings and issues I was facing.
Most importantly, the session was very benificial. Immediately after the session I felt a bit dazzled as the session was emotionally charged, but in the following days I felt a definite sense of lightness, upliftment, and joy that I had not felt in a long time. For sure I had been able to let go of a lot of excess baggage that was burdnening me at an unconsious level and I felt a lot lighter as a result.
I am very grateful for this to Mohana and would definitely recommend her Reiki sessions.
- E . P ( Italy )
The session released a lot of tension and brought to light things I did not realize were having such a strong effect on my subconscious. Mohana revealed what were at the moment the most troublesome issues in my life and at the same time shed light on how to deal with them and put them in a different perspective. In many ways the session is an empowering experience - not only do you finally recognize your weaknesses or difficulties but you also come to understand them in a new light. Mohana also spoke about past lives that may have been at the root of some of the feelings and issues I was facing.
Most importantly, the session was very benificial. Immediately after the session I felt a bit dazzled as the session was emotionally charged, but in the following days I felt a definite sense of lightness, upliftment, and joy that I had not felt in a long time. For sure I had been able to let go of a lot of excess baggage that was burdnening me at an unconsious level and I felt a lot lighter as a result.
I am very grateful for this to Mohana and would definitely recommend her Reiki sessions.
- E . P ( Italy )

Mohana really helped in the rehabilitation of a long term injury using a
combination of her spiritual powers and her healing hands. She also helped balance some of the negative karma I brought to the healing table and I am sure her treatment has contributed to the overall physical healing process.
The world is blessed in having someone so special as Mohana to help others .
- A . A
I have a perfect family, a great job, the best friends, but for some inexplicable reason, I went through a personal crisis in May. There was an overwhelming sadness, a feeling of being disconnected from my entire life and people around me. Physically I was exhausted yet couldn’t sleep at night and I experienced an upset stomach for weeks even though my doctor could find nothing wrong. People told me it was stress, but how could I pinpoint the source of any stress given how blessed my life was? My intuition told me my energy was out of whack and I needed help because I couldn’t go on like that. I searched for energy healers in Bangkok and found Mohana. Her words spoke to me from the heart and struck every chord. I wasn’t sure what to expect from Reiki, but I had nothing to lose so booked an appointment.
Suffice to say, my first session with Mohana was life-changing! She cleared so much blocked energy from my body and chakras that I underwent a complete detoxification process. She helped kick the belly aches for good. For a complete stranger, she instinctively knew more about me than I could ever begin to have known about myself! Mohana is my mirror, reflecting what I need to see and work on, she is a living battery charger, channelling the most incredibly vibrant energy! Of course, I have now decided to learn Reiki for myself and to help others. Bring on Reiki Level 2 next week! My personal Reiki journey has introduced me to the most amazing souls, the very first of them - Mohana.
For the skeptics out there, think of it like this: if plants can draw energy from the great cosmos, why can’t we? You might not be able to physically see certain forms of energies but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Energy works in a cycle, it transmutes from one form into another and there may also be residual energies – this is basic scientific knowledge. Don’t be afraid to take a look inside and change the negative into positive! There are enough testimonials here to prove Reiki works.
Mohana is so much more than a shrink: she is an intuitive, understanding, thoroughly experienced yet non-judgmental angel with a foot on this earthly plane and the best bedside manners. There is nothing more liberating than being blessed with someone who is there to help you unconditionally. My first session took 3 hours yet she only charged me for a single session. Mohana does this because it is her calling and she genuinely wants to help you help yourself, not for any other superficial reasons.
Thank you Mohana and your posse of bright light angels! :)
- Melanie Giles-Clapp ( Bangkok )

A dear friend of mine introduced me to Mohana as she knows her through studying Reiki. As I had never had Reiki before I was a little apprehensive however, instantly Mohana made me feel very comfortable and at ease.
This first treatment literally changed the way I thought about many things including myself! With a gentle approach, sound advice and the love Mohana has for helping and healing, I left the treatment with a new lease on life and felt totally inspired.
Today I have completed my Level one Reiki with Mohana and will go on to complete my Reiki training with her and her constant support.
Mohana, you are an incredible person and you’ve helped and inspired me.
So, thank you to an angel on this earth
- Samantha M (Bangkok)
This first treatment literally changed the way I thought about many things including myself! With a gentle approach, sound advice and the love Mohana has for helping and healing, I left the treatment with a new lease on life and felt totally inspired.
Today I have completed my Level one Reiki with Mohana and will go on to complete my Reiki training with her and her constant support.
Mohana, you are an incredible person and you’ve helped and inspired me.
So, thank you to an angel on this earth
- Samantha M (Bangkok)
I am grateful and thankful for your healing. After the session I really felt like doing ‘Cartwheels’. I found your Intuition very strong. You focused the healing and targeted issues with great precision (specially chronic issues).
God bless you.
- Love Anoop Singh ( India )
God bless you.
- Love Anoop Singh ( India )

I met Mohana through common friends and was amazed by what people were telling me about their treatments they have had with her. They felt like they finally understood so much about their lives and their problems and that they could finally clear everything and move on.
Even though I was already a Reiki level 2 student and went to many Reiki Share days
I still felt that I was having many blockages which didn’t let me develop my Reiki skills further as I hoped I would. So I knew I had to go to Mohana for a treatment.
And what can I say : It was absolutely amazing! I didn’t even need to explain to her what my issues were or my fears as she intuitively just knew everything and gave some wise advice while clearing away those blockages and insecurities which were hindering me to do great Reiki treatments. A few weeks later I’m amazed at my new found confidence while performing Reiki treatments just like I felt I should have done from the beginning.
Mohana just knows why you are coming to her and will help you clear anything that might be in the way of you being happy and she will make sure that you become the unique shining star that you know you could be. It’s simply magical and Mohana reminds me of a little fairy! :-)
- Lais stephan -Germany
Even though I was already a Reiki level 2 student and went to many Reiki Share days
I still felt that I was having many blockages which didn’t let me develop my Reiki skills further as I hoped I would. So I knew I had to go to Mohana for a treatment.
And what can I say : It was absolutely amazing! I didn’t even need to explain to her what my issues were or my fears as she intuitively just knew everything and gave some wise advice while clearing away those blockages and insecurities which were hindering me to do great Reiki treatments. A few weeks later I’m amazed at my new found confidence while performing Reiki treatments just like I felt I should have done from the beginning.
Mohana just knows why you are coming to her and will help you clear anything that might be in the way of you being happy and she will make sure that you become the unique shining star that you know you could be. It’s simply magical and Mohana reminds me of a little fairy! :-)
- Lais stephan -Germany
I arrived back In Denmark yesterday and wanted to thank you for the absolutely eye opening experience. The connection I felt when we were talking was incredible and it was the first time I ever felt someone understood me completely. It really paved the way open for some of the new stuff I need to be working on and incorporating into my daily life. Thank you very much once again and who knows maybe we will see you down the road again.
- Mateo Richards - Denmark
- Mateo Richards - Denmark

'I have done 'energy' kind of work before, but never Reiki,
so i don't have anything to compare it to.
Nevertheless, i loved the session with Mohana.
She is very gifted (and i'm not saying this lightly). Through the session i really felt that old issues were being cleaned up, and also felt reassured (somehow) that if the issues were not ready they would not emerge, so there was nothing to worry about.
It's a bit like having a body scrub / peeling to get rid of old skin, i.e. if the skin is not dead it can't be peeled off so to speak. I think she is a wonderful healer and beautiful person and enjoyed the session very much. I felt much lighter afterwards and have kept feeling that way and better connected with myself. I highly recommend it.
Much love and Blessings'.
Signed - MVM ( Spain ) May 2011
so i don't have anything to compare it to.
Nevertheless, i loved the session with Mohana.
She is very gifted (and i'm not saying this lightly). Through the session i really felt that old issues were being cleaned up, and also felt reassured (somehow) that if the issues were not ready they would not emerge, so there was nothing to worry about.
It's a bit like having a body scrub / peeling to get rid of old skin, i.e. if the skin is not dead it can't be peeled off so to speak. I think she is a wonderful healer and beautiful person and enjoyed the session very much. I felt much lighter afterwards and have kept feeling that way and better connected with myself. I highly recommend it.
Much love and Blessings'.
Signed - MVM ( Spain ) May 2011

I have known mohana for a while, she’s always been spiritual, loving, caring and a very very special person.
Through her I got to know Reiki and it has changed my life in a good way. I think Reiki is a special way of connecting with god, we are able to use reiki to connect with angels, and therefore heal ourselves, friends and family.
We are all connected someway, somehow and with love, we are able to transform bad energy into good,
hate into love . I think reiki is a special way of feeling love from divine energy.
Reiki also helps heal sickness and worries. .
I remember my first experience of reiki session with mohana,
I told her I am a happy person and I have nothing to be healed, but after
the session I realized there are things inside us which we didn’t even realize we were affected and how it created the blockages,
from moving further in life.
I felt relief and happy after the session. Mohana said I was ready to be healed .
As we go through life, we have doubts about things that happen in our life, and how we handle situation, people, and lessons we have come to learn, mohana has answer for it through her wisdom and her masters. Her words are always soothing . She's also a good MOTHER, and a great painter. Her channeled paintings are very beautiful.
In conclusion Reiki has given me light, hope and love. I feel safe and secured knowing the good energy, spirit and guidance’s are all around to protect and guide, we just have to learn to listen .
I believe that we all have a purpose of life, and helping others is definitely a good purpose and a good thing to do. Reiki is a way in which you can help others, even animals and the earth,
BUT first, start by helping yourself by clearing blockage in your chakras.
I would like to thank mohana for being there as a support, a friend and a messenger between the Angels and me.
She teaches me many things in life, and more importantly for being there, helping everybody all around, especially those in need, she’s making a lot of differences, and i'm very proud of her,
Thanks for reminding us God is all around us.
- Misha ( Bangkok )
20 April 2011
Through her I got to know Reiki and it has changed my life in a good way. I think Reiki is a special way of connecting with god, we are able to use reiki to connect with angels, and therefore heal ourselves, friends and family.
We are all connected someway, somehow and with love, we are able to transform bad energy into good,
hate into love . I think reiki is a special way of feeling love from divine energy.
Reiki also helps heal sickness and worries. .
I remember my first experience of reiki session with mohana,
I told her I am a happy person and I have nothing to be healed, but after
the session I realized there are things inside us which we didn’t even realize we were affected and how it created the blockages,
from moving further in life.
I felt relief and happy after the session. Mohana said I was ready to be healed .
As we go through life, we have doubts about things that happen in our life, and how we handle situation, people, and lessons we have come to learn, mohana has answer for it through her wisdom and her masters. Her words are always soothing . She's also a good MOTHER, and a great painter. Her channeled paintings are very beautiful.
In conclusion Reiki has given me light, hope and love. I feel safe and secured knowing the good energy, spirit and guidance’s are all around to protect and guide, we just have to learn to listen .
I believe that we all have a purpose of life, and helping others is definitely a good purpose and a good thing to do. Reiki is a way in which you can help others, even animals and the earth,
BUT first, start by helping yourself by clearing blockage in your chakras.
I would like to thank mohana for being there as a support, a friend and a messenger between the Angels and me.
She teaches me many things in life, and more importantly for being there, helping everybody all around, especially those in need, she’s making a lot of differences, and i'm very proud of her,
Thanks for reminding us God is all around us.
- Misha ( Bangkok )
20 April 2011

I believe in the human potential that everyone can be successful but there are somethings in the past that may complicate and block them from moving on, making people less great than what they are supposed to be . Sometimes we don't even know what is it.
There is something about Mohana, I felt that she has some senses about things because every time she popped by to say hi on FB or when I bump into her, I always have stories that i want to tell her. I was having some emotional difficulties one day and she thought I'm ready to try her Reiki therapy .It's not easy for me to believe these things but I did try. After Reiki, I felt amazing, I don't know how she knows my emotional blockages or how she did things to me but I felt like I had let go of all my bad feelings. After the reiki session, I did Goal achievement course for my work ( it's like Yin-Yang) I become way more successful and got to the top position of my business.
If anyone wants to be more successful and happier in their life, I recommend that you try this therapy.
You will get great benefits and good feelings from it!
Thank you so much my dearest Mohana :)
-Niraporn (Moddy) Kaewtippayanet ( Bangkok )
There is something about Mohana, I felt that she has some senses about things because every time she popped by to say hi on FB or when I bump into her, I always have stories that i want to tell her. I was having some emotional difficulties one day and she thought I'm ready to try her Reiki therapy .It's not easy for me to believe these things but I did try. After Reiki, I felt amazing, I don't know how she knows my emotional blockages or how she did things to me but I felt like I had let go of all my bad feelings. After the reiki session, I did Goal achievement course for my work ( it's like Yin-Yang) I become way more successful and got to the top position of my business.
If anyone wants to be more successful and happier in their life, I recommend that you try this therapy.
You will get great benefits and good feelings from it!
Thank you so much my dearest Mohana :)
-Niraporn (Moddy) Kaewtippayanet ( Bangkok )
"During our conversations, I was convinced of mohana's vast knowledge and felt that she is a spiritual soul and decided to try a healing session on me. On completion of the session I was feeling very light headed and relaxed which I have never experienced before. So I can highly recommend this kind of healing sessions to my near and dear ones in order to keep a good state of health. "
- Dr. Kamaljit Singh M.D. (A.M), PhD - ( India )
Dr. Kamal’s Bio-Magnetic Holistic Health Centre
- Dr. Kamaljit Singh M.D. (A.M), PhD - ( India )
Dr. Kamal’s Bio-Magnetic Holistic Health Centre

"Reiki was totally new to me. Mohana made me feel so comfortable and relaxed when she did reiki on me and it was totally awesome!! The treatment helped me come to terms with certain issues in my life and it healed my heart. I felt peace. Mohana did a wonderful job and she is such a natural healer!!!!"
- Mrs. Stephanie Williams (Singapore)
- Mrs. Stephanie Williams (Singapore)

One of the amazing things about my reiki experience with Mohana is we never actually met in person. All of our communication has been by email and instant messaging. Sharing some recent photos of myself as well as describing my overall frustration with anxiety, Mohana was able to identify very specific mental and physical pain directly triggered by anxiety. Needless to say, I was particularly stunned because I did not even mention any of this pain to her, she could just see it.
For much of my life, anxiety has been an overwhelming obstacle to overcome. Working with Mohana, reiki has helped me to identify the source of my anxiety problems and point me in the right direction towards overcoming it. She has always made me feel very comfortable and at ease, yet at the same time has kept me very focused on getting straight to the source of the problem. It is a journey I continue to follow, and thanks to Mohana, I now have a map to guide me through. Her guidance has allowed me to see the light at the end of the tunnel! Everything that didn't make sense to me for so many years now makes perfect sense.
Mohana is an amazing person and I would highly recommend anyone spend time with her if they want to uncover the tension within that is keeping them from making the most of their life.
-John T.F ( USA )
For much of my life, anxiety has been an overwhelming obstacle to overcome. Working with Mohana, reiki has helped me to identify the source of my anxiety problems and point me in the right direction towards overcoming it. She has always made me feel very comfortable and at ease, yet at the same time has kept me very focused on getting straight to the source of the problem. It is a journey I continue to follow, and thanks to Mohana, I now have a map to guide me through. Her guidance has allowed me to see the light at the end of the tunnel! Everything that didn't make sense to me for so many years now makes perfect sense.
Mohana is an amazing person and I would highly recommend anyone spend time with her if they want to uncover the tension within that is keeping them from making the most of their life.
-John T.F ( USA )

Thank you for the Reiki treatment.
I felt so great after it - and still until today!
- Love Florence ( France )
" I was very nervous and apprehensive when i first arrived for a treatment. But i was filled with peace and was very relaxed by the time the session ended. Wow, this is something you have to try to understand the effect "
- Khun N ( Bangkok )
- Khun N ( Bangkok )

It's a wonderful feeling at Mohana's Reiki Session. There are a whole lot of emotions/grudges we carry unknowingly on our shoulders burdening us to the core and making us ill. Certain grudges/pain are also passed on from earlier life times and we carry it some more making us physically ill and spritually densed, blocking us on the very purpose we are here for- in this life time.
Mohana, is definitely here to help clear those blockages so you could be more open as to your life purpose. She identifies and remove the blockages with the guidance of the higher spirits and help you move on in a positive way. Truly Effective, Thank you.
- Anju ( Bangkok )

" Today, I got a chance for a new experience which gave me a strange feeling that I can’t find the answer or reason for it much.The session went pass so quickly and we realized that it was already 2 hours and a half. WOW! And WOW! I felt so released, walked out with deep confidence and the feeling of “I’m free”. I feel like “there is no need to care so much anymore”, “no more to get hurt by other people.” My mind is free and I’m going to continue letting it be free.
After that day, I started to go to school and study drawing, i'm more relaxed with other things, careless or almost not care or be hurt by selfish friends as “I’M FREE NOW”.
- W.B ( Bangkok )
After that day, I started to go to school and study drawing, i'm more relaxed with other things, careless or almost not care or be hurt by selfish friends as “I’M FREE NOW”.
- W.B ( Bangkok )
"Life has been so nice to me lately. Nothing is holding me to my past anymore and I am moving ahead.
I feel that it all started after your reiki session. Thanks to you!!!!"
- Alex M ( Portugal )
I feel that it all started after your reiki session. Thanks to you!!!!"
- Alex M ( Portugal )

Just a short note to say how lovely it was to meet you and to thank you for your treatment.
I left feeling much lighter...and didn't even stress when I was an hour late for my flight
( very unusual for me! ).
You have a beautiful energy about you. Good luck with your work and family.
- Amanda R ( United Kingdom )