Reiki. What does that mean? If we ask someone to define Reiki, Those who have experienced Reiki will say its a Holistic therapy, an Energy healing modality founded by a man named Mikao Usui. There are now many versions of the Reiki that Master Usui founded, different names have been invented by people who have learnt it, and much has been understood and adapted to this wonderful energy through the evolution of humanity and its needs. In my personal experience, Reiki is a magical way of finding the connection we have lost through the Ages and from within ourselves. It is a process of Knowing how it really feels to be in complete freedom. Reiki by its definition of its name means Universal energy. From this point, we understand that its a healing energy that comes from Higher beings, Archangels, Masters , Guides and Nature Elementals who are present during a healing session. These Beings are aware of our life path and the blockages we gather from this lifetime and Past. A Guardian angel who has been with us for many lifetimes, knows the lessons we have come to understand on earth and sees the bigger picture of our soul. In my experience, what is usually documented during a Reiki session is only half of what’s really going on. Anyone can have a Reiki session, be it old or young, even animals. We live in a world now where Perfection is coveted and everyone feels that we have to be perfect in every sense. To acknowledge that we may have some issues to deal with seems like there is something wrong with us and that we are Defected. I have been told by many people that they do not need a reiki session, that reiki is for people who have serious issues/blockages and health problems. They tell me their lives are good, they get by with what they have and that they do their best. Even if they are facing challenges, they bite their teeth and brave the situation, keeping in mind the advice of the society around them. But on closer look, when i get to know them, i realize that almost all of them have fears, phobias and of course, broken hearts, disappointments, failures and childhood issues. These emotions do not dominate their lives anymore with its memory and they have moved on from the pain. Time has the ability to erase the pain of the sting and we do not make ourselves victims but I have yet to meet a person who doesn't carry a blockage of some sort or another including myself. The closest i got to see someone completely free was a monk friend of mine, who has been in the forest meditating for about 6 years. When we talk about emotional blockages, people immediately assume that its a bad thing. That a blockage means something is wrong with them. This is far from the truth. A blockage can simply be there because of their life experience which was in no way caused by them intentionally. takes just one trigger, for us to go off the edge, to bring back the memories and for us to shut down before the pain of the new situation overwhelms us. Ask yourself if you ever had a broken heart, been cheated on, had a difficult childhood, unfortunate experience of losing a loved one tragically, been betrayed by a friend or enemy, almost drowned, been lied to, raped, physically or mentally abused, hurt someone mentally or emotionally, robbed and many others. If you answer a Yes to any of the above, than most definitely you have a blockage in your chakras. ( the energy centers of your spiritual body). life cannot be void of such experiences because the purpose of life is to be a master of ourselves, as such, it is only possible that we master ourselves within such experiences and challenges. Nothing is more effective a teacher than the personal experience of a person. Your trauma or pain do not have to be massive or dramatic, they can be as simple as a lie told by someone you love. The shock of realization would later manifest itself into something bigger. It can even be an incident that you hardly remember, like in the case of a client who was sexually abused when she was five. She had a male teacher who had tried to touch her inappropriately and showed her pornography magazines. My client had long forgotten this incident as she was very young and as it was just a one off incident, she moved on without much thought. 50 years later, when i performed the first reiki session for her, i saw this trauma locked in her mental body. She was surprised to hear about it as she had completely forgotten about this incident. She went on to explain that she never told her parents about this incident as she was sure they would blame her for going off to the teacher's residence and was afraid they would blame her for his behaviour. Now what happens over the next 50 years will show us how such an event, though unconscious in our mind, laying dormant, goes on to create much bigger problems. She went on to love and marry a man against her parents wishes who later abused her physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually. Even then, she took all the abuse and never uttered a word to anyone, not even to her parents. now we are talking about abuse on a massive scale. Her husband would beat her till she bled, burnt her with lighted cigarettes, accused her of sleeping around, forcing her to abort her baby and raping her .This was a daily occurrence with blue and black marks on her face. Beyond this, she still went to work to pay off his debts. When i asked her why she never told her parents and got out of the marriage, she said that they would not accept her back into the family because she made her choice in being with this man. And she was responsible for that decision. 16 years later, when her first born daughter got sexually abused by her own father and took the courage to tell her mother, my client refused to acknowledge it. She didn't know how to help her daughter. How could she know? She did not know how to help herself when she was herself was abused. 9 years later, when my clients younger daughter, 17 at that time,was drugged and raped, the same thing happened. There were a lot of tears, but nothing was discussed and the incident was not reported. Young girls at that age need much guidance. An adult or parent would have to make the decisions for them in what would be the right thing to do, to protect the child's fragile inner world that is shattered with the carelessness and damage of humans everywhere. Though it would have been an ordeal to go through a court case, my belief is that that young girl would have found closure and peace of mind that wrong doers do get punished and that this world can be a safe place. But it was not reported, and the two young daughters went on in life carrying their own traumas, creating much pain in their life, unable to trust people. We live in a society where we are encouraged to swallow the hurt and be STRONG. How many times have you yourself heard people say " Don’t cry, be strong, don’t think about it and it will all get better ." Yes, these are well meaning words - they ease the pain for that moment and its truly admirable to see a person standing strong in the face of challenges. Yet, these are exactly the ways in which we build our emotional blockages. Let’s start by asking ourselves “what is wrong in letting ourselves feel our weaknesses?” If we acknowledge that we are weak, does that mean we are less than our magnificent selves? I am not encouraging people to mop around and be negative in their outlook of life, negative energy of that sort drags down people around us and people naturally will keep away from a person of such aura. Instead, we can begin looking at every situation thats bringing us down and ask ourself why it is there. And what is it trying to teach us. Most people are not in the habit of asking themselves these questions. When a painful situation arises, it is easier and more habitual for us to point our fingers at others and say that the other person or situation is creating the pain within us. We play the role of victim and tell our loved ones how unfair this has been. But the reality of this situation in a spiritual context is entirely different. In spirituality, nothing happens to us by accident. Every situation or person who is in our life is connected to us because of a soul contract from a deeper level. No one is doing anything to us, we are the creators of each incident based on the power of our thoughts and the experience of our karma from past lifetimes and this lifetime. karma is the cause and effect of every thought, word and deed we have accumulated and expressed. Its very hard to belief that this is a reality for those who do not work in the energy field and do not see energy the way some healers can. Further more, its even more difficult to comprehend that we are such powerful creators of our mind. Life is a mirror. The things that happen in your life is a mirror of what’s going on within you. Some situations are unavoidable for the soul’s growth and for the clearing of its karma. It is during these moments that we have to dig deeper and ask the important questions instead of burying the emotions. Much of what society encourages us to do now is burying unpleasant experiences, put aside with the label ' bad luck '. For many years, what was never contemplated snowballs into a blockage bigger and more complex, attracting with it similar situations and people, creating within us a belief system that this is the way life is. This is the way people are. Judgements build up as well and a wall is created between ourselves and the big unpredictable world. In my reiki practice, I see people’s patterns. Patterns are formed when a certain belief becomes solid, like matter. For example, if a person has the unfortunate incident of being cheated out of their money once, most likely they will start being very careful with their dealings in money matters. This experience takes its root hold as a new fear which then attaches itself to their subconscious mind. Whenever they deal with money in a similar situation, they will feel the anxiety and fear of it happening again. As powerful creators of our thoughts, we can then see why this would become a problem. Those fearful thoughts of what had already passed, gains momentum in energy and starts solidifying into a new and present experience. The saying “ Same story, different face “ brings meaning to the experience we have in not only money matters but in love and other emotions. The situation worsens as the experience keeps repeating itself fueled by more fears, making it a vicious cycle. At this point, this is what we call a belief system. If our Belief in something is positive, than it will work well in our life creating positive outcomes. But when a Belief is negative and based on false evidences of fear , it is detrimental to our Growth and Freedom. This belief festers and becomes a blockage. A blockage is a long held emotional or mental pain/trauma which slowly leads to physical manifestations of illnesses. This is where Reiki becomes very useful. Reiki identifies the negative patterns by going deep into the subconscious, to the first time the seed thought of a belief was planted. Reiki is a wonderful way to find awareness in the person's energy patterns, identifying the Issues at hand and releasing them in a natural safe way. Every human is capable of seeing with their 6th sight. Some call it the third eye. All humans are psychic. The reason most people can't see the other world is because of the energy blockages they carry. A healthy person with clear chakras have their life energy flowing from their base chakra to the tops of the head in a straight line. But blockages from trauma or unresolved pain leaves a murky dark energy in or around the chakras, blocking the proper flow of this life energy. Reiki makes the recipient feel loved and safe and gives them that extra energy to stare at the wounds that would otherwise be too painful to sort through. Reiki is not only for traumas and emotional blockages, in my reiki sessions i have come across many different situations where the person needs healing on different aspects of themselves. Physical Illness, Mental stress, emotional stress, and spiritual blocks are all parts of a bigger picture. There are also removal of spirit / earth bound attachments meaning a dead person attaching themselves to a living person's aura or chakras, draining them on their vitality and energy. There are past-live healings as well, where the affecting karma is ready to be resolved in this lifetime freeing the person from the heavy burden of deeds done or received. There are healings where a deceased person an be contacted to find closure for a person who has lost a loved one tragically without any last words. Such a person may have blamed themselves for the death of a person for years and finally see the truth of the matter. I never know what to expect when someone walks through the door for a session as its not in my hands to chart the course of what needs to be healed, that decision and the powerful healing energy is entirely channelled from many wonderful loving beings that stand ever ready to support us. The information i gather intuitively is coming directly from these angels and guides, most of them who are guardians of the person who have come for the healing. Other guides that are present will be masters in the field of medicine, leadership, psychology and in every field we can imagine. The most important thing a reiki practioner is advised to do during a healing session is to get out of the way and let the energy do what it needs to do, to be present and to be a channel for this magical energy thats rooted in love. This is why there is absolutely nothing i would rather do than what i am doing today. Healing. Reiki healing. I have great satisfaction in seeing my clients walk out the door, in freedom, carrying lesser burdens than when they had first stepped in. We do not have to go through our tough times alone and keep on carrying the burdens of our past, there is a way to the freedom that all humans remember and know about, deep in their subconscious mind. That state of being is not an illusion. It exist and is implanted in you from the beginning of time so that you will remember that there is a way back to it. There are lightworkers in every corner of the world ready to do this healing work for others and for themselves.
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MOHANA KANAHWelcome to my Spiritual Library Blog. Here is the place to find interesting articles that expand on my personal experience of Reiki and The Ascended Master Teachings. CATEGORIES